Words do indeed have the power to influence, compel, and cajole our behaviour, it is no secret that In Britain during the last pandemic, a special branch of the army with psychologists was put to work to generate an atmosphere of fear and caution so that the general population would take the Pandemic seriously to both isolate themselves...
In this podcast Joshua and I try a new way of engaging, by bringing ~Charley into the equation. Joshua asks questions that might be of general interest and I do my best to channel ~Charley's answers. A bit of a hit-and-miss at times. No doubt I will improve in time. I was hesitant as to whether to release this...

What is Love?

You might well be amazed at how many people confuse the meaning of love. I had a quick look on the net, and saw some of the following: 7 types of love - Psychology today, 36 definitions of love -Urban Dictionary, 6 different forms of love - The fact site and a lot more! Allow me to put...
Distance healing
I have been wanting to do this video for a while. Many who listen to my ramblings either dismiss me out of hand or accept what I say without too many questions ie on faith. Faith is ok, but it is like a running horse, if you have a long road to travel you may need to...
baby eating burger
All animals are genetically programmed to eat what is good for them Human beings are the only species on this earth that apparently needs to be told what to eat, for that matter human beings are the only adult species on this earth that are treated like children
What do we understand by the word spirituality? If you are from a traditional religion Then it is more likely to mean a focus and aim for a closer connection with ‘’Spirit’ and ‘God’  invariably via prayer contemplation and religious observances. This word has expanded in modern times to include a belief in a supernatural dimension, a quest for...
Paul Smith, Dr, Marion Bvington and I, come together in this podcast to promote this upcoming event. We discuss health, step to take towards a healthier eating lifestyle which includes eating more red meat, potential problems with regard to oxalates, vitamins and minerals to keep track of, and much more. here is a link to the FB page that...


Someone asked me for a particular meditation the other day and I couldn't find it on the website, I realized I needed to create a page where all the meditations which are on Youtube can be easily found so below is all the meditations to date and as I create new ones they will be added here...
A little while back, in an article about magic, I wrote that the only defence we needed was love. And this is true as far as emanations from those that would deliberately discharge negative emotions towards us. Out of their inability to own their own internal pain. But I have just been reminded of another angle with regard to psychic...
This is a long podcast divided into 4 sections. 1st part is an introduction, followed by understanding muscle testing, and then I clarify the difference between emotions and feelings. 2nd part, we explore the root of pain and the need to experience emotional intensity if we are to help ourselves. 3rd part, we explore anger, rage, and how internalised programs get...