Meditation -Release Tension

Meditation for releasing tensions from the body

Find a place where you can lie down fully on your back. Unless you have a recliner armchair, you might want to place pillows under your knees.

Each section of the meditation is observed and sensed for no more than 10 sec. (You don’t need to count them)

The whole meditation depending on need could last 30 min -1 hour.


  1. Lying on your back sense one of your legs (don’t matter which), be aware of physical sensations within your toes, foot, ankle calf muscle, knee, thigh, and hip, and spend no more than 10 seconds on each section. After the hip, sense the whole of the leg as one unit.
  2. Repeat for the other leg, when finished, sense both legs toes to hip at the same time.  Choose one arm. Be aware of the physical sensations in the fingers and thumb, the whole of the hand, wrist, forearm, upper arm, shoulder, and then the whole of the arm as one unit.
  3. Repeat for the other arm, when finished, sense both arms at the same time.
  4.  Sense your lower abdomen, limit yourself to near-surface muscles, sense your upper abdomen, also superficially, ditto for your lower back and upper back, sense your neck front and back as one unit.
  5. Sense your whole torso including the neck front and back as one unit.
  6. Sense the whole of your head.
  7. Be aware of your legs, arms, torso, neck, and head as one unit.
  8. Extend your awareness beyond your body let your body, as well as awareness of your surroundings, be one.
  9. Rest in this place. Allow pains, and discomfort within your body to arise, be curious and interested, but detached. Notice the source /location of the pain/discomfort – and this is important, don’t get sucked in and lose your detachment. Acknowledge the pain; are there any images or emotions rising? Acknowledge and experience, but stay detached from the location source.
  10. After a while, two possible scenarios will arise, one is that you go into a dreamy space and when you surface the tension that gave rise to the pain will have eased considerably. The other is that a new source of pain will become the foreground in your awareness. If so, accept the location of the new pain into your awareness as well as the previous location.
  11. Stay in these places, detached yet observant, willing to experience any rising emotions or images. And if you find yourself going to a dreamy place at some stage in the process, allow this as part of the healing.


A little explanation as to why this works. The brain and muscles are in continuous communication via the nervous system as well as the surrounding fascia.

If you have ever put a strong smell under your nose, you will have noted, that after a while you can no longer smell that item with your nose. Your brain has shut down the overloading signal.

Blocked emotional energy when stuck in muscles/ fascia creates muscular spasms, after a while, the brain shuts off the signal to the muscle that would tell it to ‘let go and relax. 

This meditation re-establishes the communication between your brain and muscle(s). And leads to greater body awareness.

The above exercise is extremely effective for acute spasms.

Chronic spasms are a bit different, for the fascia that surrounds the muscle in spasm has crinkled up /dried up a bit, and whilst the muscle signal, to remain contracted may have long gone, the fascia is keeping the muscle constricted, in this situation, one needs stretching exercises and or massage.

Meditation to release tensions from your body download .pdf

Meditation to release tensions from your body-guided meditation (to come soon)

Next The chakra 2. Emotions