A little while back I wrote an article about humanity’s past whereby ~Charley (12th Dimensional Soul who has been my constant companion for the past 3 years) dropped a bombshell on me.

Human beings 500 million years back were herbivores, of a shape and structure that today would remind us of monkeys. As a result of interaction with True Human Aliens who were here scouting for gold and a magnesium isotope, some of them were genetically altered.  1.5% True Human DNA was spliced within their genetic makeup, with the aim of increasing their intelligence and dexterity so that they might be able to take orders and morph into a labour force.

That wasn’t the bombshell, for I have spoken and written about the dawn of mankind on a number of occasions. The statement that sent me into a tizz was, that small segments of humanity 110 million years back were finding the land quite inhospitable and increasingly built platforms on stilts on the water in what was then a tropical environment.

House on stilts in Cambodia

Whilst mankind’s original constitution was herbivore, the spliced DNA had slowly been transforming their digestive system towards a direct need for protein, which was being acquired from the sea. Land animals were not particularly dangerous to them. It was the insect world that drove them to set up homes initially on the lagoons.

In time there were many villages dotted not too far from each other that ultimately grew to be a population of approx. 5000 people.  They relied on seafood, a lot of which had to be dived for. They became great swimmers who could hold their breath for a good five minutes. Games, rituals and collective engagements gradually took place more and more in the water. Mates were clearly chosen for their diving, swimming, and speed abilities. They had language, a sense of community and belonging. They also still had a tail and hairy bodies.

Not even these bananas existed 500 yrs back

It may seem quite fantastical, it certainly did to me and yet, on reflection. It only took 500 years for us to genetically alter tubers, shrubs, wild plants and tiny fruits into the cornucopia that is the fruit and veg. counters in supermarkets. It took a mere 20,000 years for humanity to expand from a single race to the 5 races in the world today. We have an amazingly versatile human body that actively responds and alters itself according to the needs of its environment.

It would take another 10–17 million years of evolution before the humans on land lost their tails, and 5 more before they lost the bulk of their fur.

It took less than 5 million years for those on the water to adapt to sea living conditions and morph into sea mammals that were born, lived, thrived, and died in the water.  Their playground was in shallow waters and ultimately have become what we call river dolphins. Others, in time, moved to deeper waters, grew in size and over a period of a further 10 million years turned into the beginning of what has ultimately become recognized as sperm whales.

There are two major whale types, the baleen that feeds on krill and plankton and the toothed variety.

Outforia.com types of whales

Essentially, to keep this simple and avoid confusing classifications. All whales are mammals. Baleen whales have a baleen plate rather than teeth to sieve krill and plankton.  They originally evolved from land animals around 40-50 million years back.  I might add at this point that we have no problem accepting those land animals morphed into whales. However, I can imagine that the mere thought of humans morphing into Whales is too fantastical to even contemplate.

The toothed whale variety are hunters and come in many flavours, from large whales to river dolphins and porpoises. Our sea mammal cousins belong to the toothed variety. And in case you are wondering sharks are definitely ‘fish’  you can tell the difference by their tail. All Whales have an undulating means of propulsion, whereby their tails move up and down. Fish propulsion on the other hand is by a side-to-side movement.

So I am in an impossible situation. ~Charley will not shift in his statement as to the origin of our whale cousins, in fact, he is quite adamant of this truth. So I thought that I would focus this article on getting as much info as I can to make  ~Charley’s case.

Indohyus a close relative of whales
49 million yrs back. Credit: Carl Buell

What do we actually know? Not much!  But lots of theories.  The standard western narrative is that Whales are mammals, and their structural frame suggests that they were indeed land animals at some past stage.  They have been lumped into a group called Cetaceans, and allegedly around 49 million years back a now-extinct species called Indohyus with racoon-like features spent a lot of time underwater. We apparently know this by examining a discovered skeleton in the region of Kashmir with an unnatural heaviness of the bone (helps with countering buoyancy)a trait shared by hippopotami.

The present consensus appears to be that Baleen whales and Dolphin whales diverged around 30 million years back. This is pure supposition to make sense of the fact that they are of different constitutions not just in eating habits but also in the communication mechanism.

Baleen whales have larynx without vocal cords via which they can create sounds like the haunting Songs Of The Humpback Whale – by Dr. Roger Pay, however strangely beautiful they may be, they are not meant to be communication.

Dolphin whales, on the other hand, have evolved their nasal passages and sinus cavities as well as incorporated some loose flaps of tissue called phonic lips with which to create a huge range of, as well as, complexity of sound. Some of these are clicks, used for sonar echo location, but they also create higher frequency whistle sounds to transmit information some of these whistles are the equivalent of their name and are individually recognizable. There is no doubt they have a rich language, we just can’t understand it! See Communication and echolocation.

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There is not much to go on in regard to evidence as to the origin of whales, but then it would be a miracle as we are considering a span of up to 100 million years of sea life. Dolphins have adapted to a large variety of environments, from rivers all the way to the depths of the oceans, and come in a large variety of sizes. Dolphins as we presently know them have only been around for 20 million years or so.

What we do know is that dolphins have been known for a long time as a sailor’s friend, and they have come to the rescue of people in the water for hundreds if not thousands of years

The following video displays both the friendliness and intelligence of dolphins, as well as humanity’s psychopathic proclivities to use anything and anyone for the purposes of war and harm.

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I am curious as to dolphin intelligence, so time to bring in the big gun.

My question to ~Charley is, “Are all whales at the same level of complex intelligence?” His answer is “no, evolutionarily speaking the Narwhal and Beluga whales regressed within the last 5 million years, and they have consistently been favoured by younger soul fragments.”

I ask, “Are the soul fragments in dolphin whales as advanced as ours?” Hang on to your hats, guys, and girls! ~Charley says “No, they have an average level of integration that supersedes yours as they regularly co-exist at around 30% – 35% of integration, whereas the average human is around 18.9 – 19.4%”.  This difference is mainly due to modern all pervasive indoctrination and subjugation of Mankind as a result of religious, political demagoguery, and brutal systems of slavery and human sacrifice over the past 5 thousand years due to the critters.

Humans measure intelligence by and large in an academic way by seriousness, and the hoarding of mental information to influence and perhaps show off to others. These days we are aware that there are many forms of intelligence from instinctive, emotional, social, creative, and lateral no doubt there are other measures too.

Dolphins are clearly not intellectual. Their world has a complex social interaction. They are playful creatures right throughout their lives. They are loyal, compassionate, in touch with emotions and feelings and, apparently, ‘randy little buggers’.

It is easy for us ‘ two-legged humans’ to look down on them from our intellectual and technocratic heights and imagine them as no better than dogs or horses to be trained and enslaved to our purposes. And yet, see enough videos of dolphins, and you start to see that there is a hidden depth of self-awareness that binds our two races together.

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Humans are ego-sick and terribly damaged, we spread our sickness like a contagion. We pollute all that comes into our sphere, not just the land on which we depend, but all animal life that comes into contact with us and that includes dolphins and whales.

By hunting our whale cousins, and experimenting on them, we traumatize them. By putting animals in zoos we send them mad and neurotic, by feeding our pets modern-day processed foods we create problems in them that shorten their lives. Because we are anxious, stressful beings with hardly any respite, we engender the same in our pet animals.

Unlike human beings, Dolphin whales also have a rich imagination, for they have no mental programs of rules and regulations to censor themselves. Their 3rd eye i.e. their capacity to connect their imagination with their senses is by and large active. I will be talking more about this in my next article.

 The whales/dolphins whilst also subject to the vagaries of the moon cycles and the critters are for the most part not affected as they are trauma-free.

We are not alone on this Earth, should be a thought to fill us with warmth. We don’t respect humans in other parts of the world let alone our own backyard, so whales, cousins or not, will fare no better. Next time you see a video of bottlenose dolphins leaping in and out of the water as a group, filled with joy, wanting to make playful contact as they maintain speed with a boat. Allow yourself to contemplate, we too could be as carefree as they are.

Final comments

I wrote this article a few months back and today out of curiosity I asked google about whales and consciousness. Only to come across this most interesting article “whales are people too” that amongst other things said and highlighted the following statement, “Whales are arguably the most socially connected, communicative and coordinated mammals on the planet, including humans,” says Marino

In my seventy years of life, I had never given dolphins or whales a second thought. ~Charley shocked me when he told me that they were human, and on the basis of this, I looked around for information that would validate his information. He stands vindicated.


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