If you are of the Christian tradition, then the answer must be yes, Humans do possess free will! Their credo is that “man” is born in sin, and our choices in life will be judged at the pearly gates, at which point we no longer have a choice. The implication is that 'Man' has/is a soul. As scientific discoveries have...
Our world is speeding up, the forces of darkness have been in the driving seat for thousands of years.  Billions of Souls have and, are incarnating right now,  for they have chose this time to make the most of the coming opportunity, for one last try, to be free of the psychic yoke, that keeps incarnating fragments of Soul(s)...
 Over many thousands of years our fears of death and the the unknown, blended with our lack of knowledge and understanding of the True Nature of Reality has made us prey to all manner of delusions and fantasy. This gave rise to religions, the idea of good and bad magic, confusing a Higher Power with spirits, demons and more.  Now...
Is there life after death? As I have mentioned before, most people have a ' belief in life beyond physical death, perhaps quite irrationally? After all, do we really have any proof of a soul surviving death?  Western science would say no, although they are doing all manner of experiments, not double blind ones of course, what could 2...
Love and communion
Awareness and ego Let me share with you  the practical process  that allows us 'to be' in the present  and to  experience the internal peace that arises as a result. This story always starts with our 'egos'- a biological imperative for a mechanistic fear driven reaction to survival, which as in the fairy tales, has the majority of humanity enthralled under...
hiding in fear from predator
Are We at the Mercy of our Egos? I wish to write about Ego,  for it has been a thorn on my side  since I first read  books on saintly Indian gurus in my late teens early twenties,  and wished to emulate them by getting rid of 'my' ego. The saying 'Ignorance is bliss'  is  made up for  the ignorant by...
Yes, we are being manipulated, but not by reptiles! This seems to be a hot topic, that a number of people including David Icke,  religions and even channellers have alluded to. I asked 'Charley' (my Higher Self) some time back for clarification on this subject, and it said not, yet I wasn't ready, and I just assumed that it was trying...
Some time back , 'Charley told me that I was one of 2120 messengers who were to incarnate on this Earth with a very specific purpose. Honestly I have spent my life keeping away from most people, and was only ever comfortable in the therapy room on a one to one basis. Whenever we had visitors or parties,...