In this podcast Joshua and I try a new way of engaging, by bringing ~Charley into the equation. Joshua asks questions that might be of general interest and I do my best to channel ~Charley's answers. A bit of a hit-and-miss at times. No doubt I will improve in time. I was hesitant as to whether to release this...
*Humans-Biological Machines *Gurdjieff, J.G. Bennet – Sensing and feeling *Feeling - Soul Connection *How to help ourselves to grow Humans-Biological Machines To most English-speaking people, emotions, sensations, and feelings are interchangeable, and confusion sets in when I explain to others that they are not the same. If you had never experienced an orange and I said: "It is a fruit". You might have nodded...
Introduction Ego Fear Mental rigidity  versus letting go "Yes, but I feel?" Emotional confusion Emotional black holes Emotions and Relationships Emotions and personal growth Emotional intensity- Physical intensity Meditation Introduction Present-day culture is ruled by mental bureaucratic principles. For many years now, the mental construct of avoidance of generating ANY emotional distress on another human being, under penalty of loss of personal liberty, has also taken hold in our...
Buddha's Third Eye
Collectively, we have been tantalized by the idea of the Third eye for millennia. In Buddhism and Hinduism, it was associated with the 6th Chakra and assumed that it would open after much meditational practice. Many cultures around the world were fascinated? (not sure whether that is the right word). They certainly acknowledged the faculty of inner sight, Richard Cassaro in...
Do you ever wonder as to who you are?  Do you have a sense of yourself in your day-to-day existence? Or are you pulled by external forces? If you were to ask yourself now, this second. Who am I? You might get an internal verbal response or an absence of words. What if I asked, "Where are you?" "Where...
If you are of the Christian tradition, then the answer must be yes, Humans do possess free will! Their credo is that “man” is born in sin, and our choices in life will be judged at the pearly gates, at which point we no longer have a choice. The implication is that 'Man' has/is a soul. As scientific discoveries have...
If you have listened to our last couple of podcasts you will now have some appreciation of the relationship between the ego, imagination, heart and the third eye. There is also a podcast of this article if you would rather listen to it Connection with our hearts is required to open one’s third eye and, mitigate delusions of the...
I am going to devote this article to address the issue of sickness, health and why it is almost impossible to cure anyone, and how even when we succeed to make someone better, it is a two-edged sword. The basics: *we all individually and collectively create our sense of perceived reality. *We are three-brained beings; we exist in a mechanistic...
 Over many thousands of years our fears of death and the the unknown, blended with our lack of knowledge and understanding of the True Nature of Reality has made us prey to all manner of delusions and fantasy. This gave rise to religions, the idea of good and bad magic, confusing a Higher Power with spirits, demons and more.  Now...
*Introduction *Acute versus chronic muscle spasm pains *The emotional side of the equation *Suppressed grief and muscular tension *How to help ourselves  with acute muscle spasm episodes *I would like to come back to emotions *Meditational exercise – how to relieve pain and tensions *Bonus section for headaches Introduction I often go on about metabolic syndromes and how they are behind 95 % of human and pet...