This is my very first Video podcast. I speak about The coming Cataclysm, The true Humans, The nature of Soul, our purpose and meaning on this Earth. and so much more. Once unleashed they couldn't get me to shut up. enjoy :) Sal
hand grasping for muscle testing by pulling apart thumb and middle finger with opposite hand
This article was written some years back – I have done my best to update the information in line with my present, more rounded experience. The seed for this piece of writing originated when out of curiosity in regard to muscle testing I asked ~Charley as to my level of accuracy regarding (in my case) self-muscle testing. Self-muscle testing is the...
Karma Firstly, what is meant by  Karma? here is a dictionary definition : ' (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.' Both ~Charley( my Higher Self) and I view  the meaning of karma from a slightly different perspective.  For who is this person...
What is wrong with the world? Something clearly is amiss, as human beings,  if we are fortunate there may be moments in our lives when we  may have first hand experience of acts of kindness, compassion, love (not sexual). Such feelings /qualities are inbuilt or have the possibility of being made manifest within us. And yet, what are the overriding emotions...
Is there life after death? As I have mentioned before, most people have a ' belief in life beyond physical death, perhaps quite irrationally? After all, do we really have any proof of a soul surviving death?  Western science would say no, although they are doing all manner of experiments, not double blind ones of course, what could 2...