In this talk I touch on the building blocks of Reality and Soul. This is a very very important subject on which I still don't have the complete picture but I am getting there. I recommend watching the video a few times.
Please appreciate that for me to ask a specific question from ~Charley it implies I already...
This podcast video is dated 24 /09/21 Campbell of 'Spiral Up' YouTube page and I got together for a chat. We cover items like ego, souls, Cataclysm and fear within our society affecting our perception of reality.
If you have reached this page the chances are that you are already aware that I am in almost continuous communication with an Intelligence/ Awareness of much higher magnitude, to whom, the past and the present are all one, from its vantage point of a higher dimension. I am a tiny fragment of this Higher Soul, for ease of...
I have decided to do a number of talks around the chakra system, in which I will link the function of the individual Chakra with the larger context of our place in the universe.
In this podcast I will touch on the concept of Time, Soul fragments and previous lifetimes, emotions, the Moon , its effects on humanity...
Talk about Soul, level of consciousness, muscle testing
My client had questions, which I thought may be of interest to a few viewers, I apologise for the lack of video quality, I am in a process of learning .
The subject matter is about The structure of soul (s) and dimensions. Fragment of soul across time (previous incarnations). How I...