First of all if you are new to this site and hoping for a professional Alternative Practitioner, wouldn't it be a shame to be put off  because I dare to write information that firmly puts me in the 'cooky part of society?' Is it possible that our perception of so called reality is seriously redacted?  Judge by results might...
Love and communion
Awareness and ego Let me share with you  the practical process  that allows us 'to be' in the present  and to  experience the internal peace that arises as a result. This story always starts with our 'egos'- a biological imperative for a mechanistic fear driven reaction to survival, which as in the fairy tales, has the majority of humanity enthralled under...
Toe nail fungal infections
Fungal Infections  I have been at the mercy of fungal infections since my teen years, they came and went, with me none the wiser as to cause. In my later years they came with a vengeance in my groin, and my toes. Finally I understood, and saw how my infections would come and go as a result of my actions....
Vulva pain and discomfort  There are  a large number of women that on reaching menopause years  find vaginal penetration, painful and uncomfortable. In our ignorance we tend to put it down to the inevitable decline in hormone production due to menopause, and the subsequent lack of vaginal lubrication. This tends to predominantly affect those women who have been vegetarian or vegan...
hiding in fear from predator
Are We at the Mercy of our Egos? I wish to write about Ego,  for it has been a thorn on my side  since I first read  books on saintly Indian gurus in my late teens early twenties,  and wished to emulate them by getting rid of 'my' ego. The saying 'Ignorance is bliss'  is  made up for  the ignorant by...