Skin problems

The greatest magic illusion created by Western medical /Pharmaceutical interests has been to convince us that labelling a disease followed by issuing pharmaceutical chemicals to control the disease is labelled as ‘health’ management.

I say it is an illusion because 95% of all illnesses are the direct long-term result of eating foods that are damaging to the human body, either because they are to a greater or lesser extent poisonous, or, damaging by their lack of or absorption of nutrients whilst temporarily assuaging our hunger.

Most of the foods we buy are processed foods. They contain poisonous seed oils (Vegetable oils), chemical preservatives,(to kill fungus and bacteria), chemical colourings, too much sugar and or too much salt. There is more, but will come to this later.

Of course, we cannot truly blame the pharma industry, the chemical factories, or the processing plants any more than we can blame the politicians who rule over us.  For they are our creations, or should I say- reflections of our collectively created reality.

Here is the problem, 98% of humanity, is psychologically and emotionally traumatised, existing in a state of ongoing fear and anxiety, at war with themselves, disliking and even hating themselves as they project their traumas onto the collective unconscious. And the result? … well, we can see the results that have been escalating over the past 23 years.

Light therapy for eczema

My last article was on Eczema, which I duly posted on Facebook amongst many other portals of information. One person commented by stating that her eczema symptoms had disappeared after 6 sessions of ozone therapy. She appeared to struggle when I pointed out she was removing symptoms, not the cause. Her response? I have been told it is an ‘autoimmune disease’. I assume she found the labelling a comfort.

And there we have it in a nutshell, label a problem and now our mind is at ease, for the experts have identified the symptom! The cause doesn’t go away, and the symptoms will return, BUT, she can always go back for another course of ozone therapy!

My Daughter who has suffered terribly with eczema for a long, long time, would go for sunlight therapy, and the symptoms would also go, when she was desperate she would take steroids, and they also ‘helped’, of course, there were side effects …. But, that is another page on the illusion of big Pharma/medical.

So we are talking about the skin. In Eastern medicine, the skin is like a third lung, which helps to get rid of toxins. I doubt that in the whole of human history, there has been such a proliferation of skin disorders that we have increasingly been experiencing for the past 70 years.

Some of the problems are a result of insulin resistance which arises primarily out of long-term ingestion of fructose, carbohydrates, and seed oils, these affect and damage the mitochondria (energy motor) of the cells.

Skin Tags

Skin tags,  skin discolourations,  acne  (pus-filled spots on faces and upper body),  and lipomas( fat deposits under the skin).

As part of the process of insulin resistance, the liver, Kidneys, arteries, and heart are also affected.

Liver spots,  and for the kidneys –Nose bleeds, blood blisters in the mouth, and dark rings and bags under the eyes (staying superficial).

But there are other ways in which the food we eat damages us. Most vegetables contain oxalic acid (plants create and use it to hang on to calcium for the eventual seeds), some of them in excessive quantities beyond our ability to process. Oxalic acid can be considered to be an anti-nutrient because of its magnetic-like ability to bind with calcium, iron, and many other minerals.

The liver also generates a small amount of oxalates, but the body when overloaded does its best to dispose of it and will use Vit B12.  The excess oxalates from the diet are deposited all over the body as a crystalline structure, some close to the skin surface, this can give rise to various symptoms such as a painful vagina, eye floaters, easy bruises and sharp pains when rubbing the skin.

poisonous lectins in Castor Beans

Then there are the lectins, a protein that is usually on the skin surface of seeds as well as in the kernel of the seed. This protein has a unique ring structure that will not be broken down by stomach acids. However, washing and boiling the seeds will destroy most of them, unfortunately with some plants the lectins can be extremely toxic.    On the plus side, most lectins will bind with different types of sugars inactivating them in the digestive tract.

Once the lectins have breached the gut barrier and get into the bloodstream they can generate all manner of mayhem in the body as they confuse our immune system into attacking various parts of the body, for example:

severe nail fungal infection

Fungal infections – in nails, feet and hands, athlete’s foot between the toes, in the vagina, groin, under breasts, and armpits.

There are two types of eczema, those that arise from lectin damage as a result of leaky gut syndrome, and those that arise from damage to the large intestine as a result of eating dairy.

We can also get skin damage because we neglect to provide our bodies with the necessary nutrients, and/or because we eat too many oxalates and lectins that rob our bodies of the necessary ingredients for growth and repair.

dry lips, lip sores, mouth ulcers or Herpes simplex in various parts of the body a lack of sufficient Vit B,

Viral blisters on the skin, – due to a deficiency of essential minerals

Dry skin, – lack of animal fat in the diet and or Zinc

Linoleic acid is another name for the oil in seeds – commonly mislabelled as “vegetable oils”.  These are extremely damaging and dangerous to the human body, primarily, because as soon as the oils are separated from the seed they combine with oxygen, create free radicals and when ingested generate oxidative stress in the cells. And ultimately in conjunction with insulin damage the mitochondria in the cells.

It is fair to say that there is conflicting research out there. Please bear in mind that seed oils are a huge cash cow for manufacturers and farmers alike, and the lobbies involved in maintaining a certain narrative are very powerful with governments. We all indeed need a little Linoleic acid, better known as omega 3, even a cow that feeds purely on grass will contain a couple of % of linoleic acid which is roughly what a human being needs. However, eat a pig that has been fed on seeds to fatten it, and its linoleic acid content in the fat could be as high as 35%. The same goes for chickens.

Have a listen to this podcast by several doctor researchers on the subject of vegetable oils – seed oils

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Humanity was never afraid of the Sun until the last 100 years to coincide with the mass production of hydrogenated fats. Today it is a booming industry as more and more people become light sensitive and fearful of skin cancer.

Sunburn – consumption of seed oils (linoleic acids) damaging the mitochondria, making one light sensitive.

Oily skin is also due to seed oils.

There are a host of internal problems all related to foods which I will mention in passing such as high BP – a mixture of damaged kidneys from too much sugar, and Atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), a mixture of lack of Vit C in the body inner lining of arteries, damaged as a consequence, Cholesterol comes in to fill the damage. Narrowing of the arteries ensures we then wrongly blame the fats consumed, rather than the carbohydrates, that stop the intake of Vit C by the cells.

 I began this article by stating that 95% of human illnesses are the primary result of what we eat or fail to eat. You might wonder where I get my percentages from, they come from ~Charley, who I channel and work with, in health matters with clients. However, the acknowledgement that Metabolic disease is the primary cause of illnesses today is gaining prominence.

 What about the other 5 %?  2 % is the result of unnecessary human drug intervention, ½ % is genetic and 2 ½ % is due to direct unresolved emotional stress affecting the hormonal and structural system of the body.

And yet, Western medicine treats most illnesses as though they can be cured treated with drugs.

Western medicine is a one-trick pony with a hammer looking for a nail. Listen to the following:

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In conclusion, most illnesses as well as pretty much all skin problems in human beings are the result of modern processed foods, as well as a lack of adequate nutrients. Many people dismiss the taking of vitamins and nutrients by saying a healthy diet should contain all that our bodies need. This is a fallacy, not everything labelled healthy is good for us.

Modern farming methods with fertilizers have denuded the ground of essential minerals. Even cows raised for meat are only as good as the grass they feed on, and many these days are not even fed on grass for very long.

If you truly are healthy without any skin issues, build-up of fat in the lower abdomen, or gut issues (even bloating I would define as a gut issue), then great. Otherwise, I would recommend a diet of a minimum of two red meat meals a week, some eggs, low oxalate vegetables and roots, with the occasional not-very sweet fruit and use beef dripping for cooking. Avoid gluten, and high glycaemic foods and make sure you have Vitamin B 12, iodine and Selenium.

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