Introduction Ego Fear Mental rigidity  versus letting go "Yes, but I feel?" Emotional confusion Emotional black holes Emotions and Relationships Emotions and personal growth Emotional intensity- Physical intensity Meditation Introduction Present-day culture is ruled by mental bureaucratic principles. For many years now, the mental construct of avoidance of generating ANY emotional distress on another human being, under penalty of loss of personal liberty, has also taken hold in our...
*Introduction *Acute versus chronic muscle spasm pains *The emotional side of the equation *Suppressed grief and muscular tension *How to help ourselves  with acute muscle spasm episodes *I would like to come back to emotions *Meditational exercise – how to relieve pain and tensions *Bonus section for headaches Introduction I often go on about metabolic syndromes and how they are behind 95 % of human and pet...
Do you ever wonder as to who you are?  Do you have a sense of yourself in your day-to-day existence? Or are you pulled by external forces? If you were to ask yourself now, this second. Who am I? You might get an internal verbal response or an absence of words. What if I asked, "Where are you?" "Where...
Introduction What is enlightenment? The mechanics of enlightenment The role of the ego, emotions, and breathing The Quest for Enlightenment A map on the road to greater enlightenment We need to integrate our 3 centres Remember the Heart Introduction I have been asked by ~Charley (a 12th-dimensional soul) that I channel, to write on this subject. Enlightenment is a word I have come across numerous times over...
gall stones
Introduction Liver stones The Gallbladder Carbohydrates Possible symptoms of a blocked gallbladder Home remedy -Gallbladder and liver flush recipe Introduction Would it surprise you to hear that gallstones arise predominantly because of a lack of fat in the diet? After all, if you get an acute attack of gallstone pain, it will have been brought on following a fatty meal! For 50+ years we have...