Historical Introduction

    Humanity did indeed have a heart that was functioning reasonably well but this was before the last cataclysm and for another 1500 years or so afterward, we could call this previous civilization of whom a small number had initially survived (approx. 1 million),  the Atlanteans.

    Following that previous epoch the Atlanteans thrived along a glacial free belt that straddled and extended to either side of the equator for approx. 30 Degrees North and south ie. from Texas to South Africa. Bear in mind that the tilt of the Earth was slightly different at that time too.  

    Approx. 10.500 years ago the Earth’s tilt due to external forces altered once more and the glaciers began to melt. The more the ice /snow melted the faster the transition. Eventually, the Seas rose approx. 450 feet. 

    Glaciers 10,000 yrs ago

    The Atlantean civilization had spread to seaside towns worldwide, they were great seafarers.  The deluge was the end of their great culture. Based on their intimate connection to heart and spirit they had an understanding of themselves and the world. We have yet to surpass them in regards to what truly matters, despite our mechanical/ technological prowess.

    In relation to their numbers, relatively few survived, regardless, enough of them did, and some of their accumulated understanding was passed on across the generations. Except, if I share my understanding with you, and you have no direct experience of what I relate to, then what you acquire is the knowledge that you will in turn pass on to the next generation. Eventually, that knowledge becomes corrupted and distorted. And so it has proven to be.

    After the deluge, the world survivors descended very quickly to the basic necessities of life. To complicate matters the beneficial cosmic vibrations reaching the Earth had altered (for the worse). the Vedas refer to this as a new cycle of the Kali Yuga. Those who understood the human psyche and our soul connection had transferred what in time became poorly understood knowledge to succeeding generations.

    It wasn’t long after the ‘Deluge’ that our fears and distorted perceptions of the world of Spirit controlled our actions. These led to human and animal sacrifices, barbarism, slavery, and a disconnect from our hearts and the promptings from the soul fragment that is intimately connected with it.

    The Traumatising Brutality of Our Past

    According to Wikipedia the present cycle of Kali Yuga began just over 5000 years back, it is meant to be the worst of the four cycles filled with conflict and sin. I have asked ~Charley (a Soul intelligence that I channel) for clarification. Their interpretation of the start date is out by about 5000 years late and its ending is a bit short, either way, it is a heck of a long time for all those souls trapped on this Earth.

     The transmitted understanding from the Atlanteans was understood in different manners in China, India, and Egypt. Which in turn, mixed to some extent and gave rise to other variations.

    From this new self-ignorance, we reflected our internal fears to what we imagined the spirit world was composed of. Now we had spirits, demons, and an almighty ruthless, vengeful, and unyielding power we would bend the knee to, supplicate, and sacrifice for personal favor, piety, or dominion. Such as portrayed in the Old Testament, blood sacrifices to the mother Goddess Kali, and more recently with the Aztecs to keep the sun rising every day.

    The bottom line is that we have been increasingly traumatized by each succeeding generation.

    True Meaning of Karma

    9th Dimensional Souls that blended with human bodies to animate them and experience life on this Earth that is part of the 3rd Dimension, were now trapped like a fly on honey. They were unable to take control of the human vehicle for the human’s heart was closed to its promptings.

     The sheer negativity, fear, and cruelty had a deleterious effect on the Soul fragment. By the time the human body died the Soul fragment had lost its moorings. orientation and purpose.

    To unify itself soul has been compelled to return to this planet to pick up the pieces, unfortunately, each incarnation was as fruitless as the previous ones, the powers of ignorance and cruelty too overwhelming to wake up to itself and take over the reins of the ego.. This and this alone is the true meaning of Karma across different lifetimes. The Atlanteans towards their end would reincarnate, yet their soul remained whole and their progression beyond this planet was swift.

    Since the deluge, and the oppressive cosmic vibration affecting us all ever since, all incarnations have become fragmented across time. Soon there were a lot more soul fragments than bodies and the time frame between incarnations got longer and longer.

    So here we are today,  fast approaching a possible time of liberation. The soul dimension has been increasing the number of human bodies on this planet, due to two fast-approaching events that will facilitate the soul release from the unfortunate quagmire that this planet has become.

    As of January the 5th 2025 , the planet-wide psychic dampening of unsettling vibrational energies reaching us from a specific angle of the universe will desist for 15 years. Followed 6 years later in March 9/10th 2046  by another Cataclysm. The age of Kali-yuga or cosmic vibrational dampening of humanity will continue for another 448,000 years as of 2024, interrupted by sporadic short spaces of grace.

    The challenge for Mankind’s souls is to expedite the opening of their hearts (by releasing and connecting those suppressed emotions that are presently controlling our personalities and, keep us as rigidified pawns to those that would control us. The clock will soon be ticking, we will have, commencing in 2025 15 years, giving us roughly another 5 years after the empowering cosmic vibrational energies cease, and we start backpedaling, to help those of us who haven’t quite made it.

    Ascension – a different perspective

    The Christian Rapture

    Ascension is the flavor of the times.  There are many psychics, religious pastors, mediums, and channellers who are getting glimpses of this event to come. Yet most understand this according to their beliefs and perceptions of how the world is.

    Well, here is the bottom line, one year before the cataclysm there is a huge fleet of very large spacecraft that will be briefly appearing and departing from this planet carrying up to approx. 50 million inhabitants at a time.

    Let me share with you that my wife of many years will not accept this prophecy to come. My wife has been helped by ~Charley about her health for a few years now. Jenny does not doubt that the connection between ~Charley and me is real, as is ~Charley’s ability to bring forth at the appropriate time emotions long suppressed, as well as when the event took place in her formative years, to include past incarnations, the people involved and location. Quite apart from helping with Acupressure, Craniosacral, chakric attunement, nutrition, homeopathy, tissue salts, and bach flower remedies as appropriate.

    So why is Jenny incapable of accepting the future prophecy from ~Charley??

    All human beings have a mind map of “reality”. This was acquired when young, and additions were added with experience and indoctrination. These mind maps, apart from those developed from experience, are by and large kept in place by fear, to step beyond them is to enter the unknown which is frightening for the majority of humans.

    We have religious mind maps of Heaven and Hell, God/ the Devil. Political ones- democrat good /republican bad, America land of the free/ Russia destroyer of civilization, political far right good/ far left bad. Food – Vegetarian /Carnivore. History- Second WW2 revisionists / popular history narrative. Science – climate change/historical temperatures etc.,. We are constantly fed narratives to define our mind maps and engage our reactive emotions.

    Mind maps also encompass the individual in relation to the group, as well as our experiences – of self, such as our awareness of our minds, our emotions, and our bodies. For example – you get body pain. if you have a good mind map of anatomy you might well be in a position to help yourself there and then, otherwise, your innate fear of the unknown will drive you into the hands of a so-called ‘expert’ trained in dispensing pharmaceutical products.

    We also have mind maps as to what is out there , ‘Clever’ people are not necessarily mentally ‘flexible’ people. A good definition of intelligence and I don’t mean a mensa test is a mind that is flexible enough to think and contemplate outside of its ‘mind map box’.

    Yes, Hollywood has been feeding us entertainment of Aliens out there. It is rare for these aliens to be Advanced beyond our imagination, and to truly be good-natured. it is more common for them to be cast as the baddies, to be feared, and for a one-world government to come together and use us as cannon fodder for our liberty.

    I accept the prophecy because ~Charley is continually demonstrating ~His existence to me, and to be honest, I struggle because my ego mind left to its own devices can say that black is white and vice versa. Therefore I am continually vigilant when it comes to communicating whatever comes to me from ~Charley.

    ~Charley’s Prophesies

    ~Charley has already made a number of pronouncements to me over the past 5 years. Beginning with the death of my mother. That the purpose of what many that were injected in 2020-3 had a dual purpose i.e. to tag humanity, and collect DNA. ~He also mentioned that world population growth would come to a stop in 5 years, and will continue to decline to 6.5 billion by 2045. (I didn’t ask at the time what the underlying cause would be but it is all surfacing now).

    ~Charley’s prophesy for the future is that we exist in an infinite universe, our galaxy has been here for 65 billion years, and approx 55 billion years back an alien race I call the True Humans arrived and colonized this spiraling Galaxy. 550 million years back they spliced 1.5% of their DNA into the semian apes we once were.

    Today, in conjunction with the soul dimension they are here to save those of you ready to escape this planet. In 2045 they will cover the skies with 167 ships, each of which will be approximately 7 miles wide and nearly one mile high. Humanity’s mind map will be drastically altered as they see with their own eyes. For about a year each ship will take turns to and via telepathy call to those destined for each interstellar craft and eventual planetary re-location.

    This is the true Ascension, for it will be the integration between your ego and heart that will dictate the ship you and others of a similar level are called to, as well as, the predestined eventual destination. Shuttle crafts with room for 20 passengers at a time will descend simultaneously at numerous and individually chosen, specific locations worldwide, and be back at the mother ship within twenty minutes for each journey.

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     Many of those interstellar spaceships will be half empty, even though 167 spaceships are waiting on the sidelines for that fateful moment. By 2045 The world population will have declined to approx.. 6.5 billion and of those only approx. 4.25 billion will be sufficiently open-hearted enough to hear the telepathic call and the prompting of their hearts to be at a specific location at a precise time.

    Most of the rest unable to hear the call, will die on this planet, and their soul fragments will be trapped for a very long time on this accursed Earth.

    We must make the most of the next 15 years if we are to help our brethren. Fortunately, the change in the cosmic wind will make the transition easier. The fog will lift from those destined to leave this planet as they realize that truth is found in ourselves, not in what our culture rams down our throats.

    I know, it is a tall story. it doesn’t matter if you believe what I share about the Alien True Humans. Look around you; The time has come to unite against the one common enemy that has been using the tactics of divide and conquer for hundreds of years if not more. We certainly cannot fight fire with fire. The first step is to wake up to ourselves. The world is fragmented as a shadow of our fragmentation. We need to heal our psyche, and it begins by looking inside and finding out why we dislike ourselves so much.

    Practical steps

    Step 1.   Ask yourself what is it that I am not allowed to question? Be very inquisitive!. Any prefixes to the word information are to be carefully scrutinized.

    Step 2.  Who am I? Am I the words in my head? Am I my reactivity?   Where do my strong dislikes and hate come from? Are they based on my experience as individuals or have I acquired these from others such as the media?

    Step 3  Be aware of what you dislike or hate in yourself read love and self-hate

    Step 4  Learn to know yourself! Promise yourself that from this day forth you will be completely honest with yourself and hopefully, mostly honest with others. The time is fast approaching when we need to place our protective personality mechanisms to one side and be emotionally and mentally true.

    Step 5. Know your body! You want to learn to use your imagination to explore your digestive system and your internal organs, you want to contemplate and gain a kinesthetic sense of your body. Learn about breath, learn about your emotions, specifically the ones you struggle with.

    Step 6. The conflict between the mind of rules and regulations and emotions generates tensions in our bodies. Learn to release tensions before they become chronic.

    Step 7 Cultivate physical, emotional, and mental intensity, in other words, learn to sit with and experience conflict in your thoughts from opposing viewpoints. Breathe through intense emotions, and allow your body to move with them. When you experience physical – pain hopefully accidentally, or say a headache, don’t distract yourself from the pain, immerse yourself fully into its very center and let it wash through your body.

    Step 8 The time has come to take stock of your addictions! and work towards outer freedom as you journey towards your inner freedom. Time to reduce your consumption, aiming to give up and free yourself of such common addictions, as sugar, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and manufactured products invariably packed in plastic wrappers or carton boxes and labeled as foods, which will contain additives, coloring, chemicals, metals, antibiotics or fungal suppressants, etc.

    Go for real foods such as meat and eggs and if you must eat vegetables, grow your own or buy organic, but stay away from the toxic fruits and veg. Kiwifruit, almonds, spinach, rhubarb, beetroot and leaves. etc.., find out more here lectins and oxalates

    Step 9 Find someone like me to guide you towards your heart by connecting with deeply suppressed emotions, experiencing them in your body as you release them. And, as Jesus said on the cross “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.

      There is no open heart without true forgiveness. When we can’t forgive we are victims. Saying” I forgive you” won’t do it. It has to be felt and experienced.  There are no shortcuts. Forgiveness is not condoning unacceptable actions, or giving up your power to say ‘NO’

    Fear and the power of ‘NO’

    Lastly, we are at a crossroads, we are susceptible to fear, it is part of our ancient genetic makeup but with a twist, we have transitioned over hundreds of millions of years from herbivore to Carnivore as far as our digestive system is concerned, yet our fear of isolation is a primordial residue of our herbivore beginnings.

    This fear of isolation has been weaponized against us by those who would slave and control us.

    The time to say ‘NO’ and stand united is upon us. Without self-love, positive change will not occur. Let your opening heart take control and say ‘NO’ to any injustices that would drag us into the gutter and be complicit in their mindless cruelty. Saying ‘NO’ can be a loving act

    In the following podcast ( to be released on Wednesday 14th) Gordon describes the quality that we need to awaken within ourselves when we express the determination of our ‘NO’ – righteous anger. The most powerful emotion a human being is capable of.

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    We will succeed because the feeling of love within our hearts is the ultimate pandemic, It has no borders or boundaries, it will encompass the whole world and spread like wildfire, waking people up to themselves in exponentially greater and greater numbers.

    ~Charley told me at the beginning that we would be 1 billion strong within 10 years as a prelude to speeding up the transition to the rest of humanity capable of listening, there are 6 more years to go, let’s make it count!


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